This project conducted jointly with our truck dealer, Martinique Automobiles, allows the City of Fort-de-France and the regional health authority to launch a new vaccination truck. Its first mission will be to meet the residents to vaccinate them against Covid-19.
This mobile vaccination unit is composed of :
- a reception desk
- a medical office equipped with
- an examination couch and a desk to receive the patient
- a refrigerator to store the vaccines
- various storage units adapted to the medical team's needs and tailored by our workshops
This mobile vaccination truck is adapted to the local environment with reinforced insulation thanks to our panel technology, high performance air conditioning and double-glazed windows, all on a light truck chassis.
Latest mobile medical units news
Toutenkamion Group will be at Arab Health - global healthcare medical expo - from January 30 to February 2nd in Dubaï in the United Arab Emirates on stand N°S1H51
The beginning of a series of 14 mobile clinics dedicated to men' and women' health
These new light vehicles come in addition to fixed premises to meet people suffering from addictions
Mobile vaccination closer to the residents
GE Healthcare Germany ordered us a mobile mammography unit for one of its customers, a private radiology practice.
Also called "connected camper van", this multipurpose mobile office includes various public services and a medical practice to reach the population.
This light vehicle allows the Red Cross teams to get closer to isolated people.
This ophthalmology truck travels to cities with ophthalmologists shortage.
On this particular World Sight Day, discover the video of our customer i2i Optical